
Hellas at a pivotal point

Hellas faces one of the most difficult financial situation since its entry in the E.M.U. The structural problems inherited since early eighties have not been eradicated yet. Strong trade unions strifing for more control and wages increases far ahead of productivity level and rigid labour regulations cannot make the country an attractive investment destination. Although there are strong improvements in country's infrastructure there are a lot more to do in human resources development. The arrogance of certain government officials and the complete involvement of previous administration officials in bribe and embezzlement shows that the road for the Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis is not paved with roses. In the other hand the leader of Opposition party PASOK George Papandreou makes sky high arrangements for a new utopia governance scheme...Poor Hellas, it's a shame that you are rich in Tycoons and Heroes but not in New Age Politicians.


Turkey continuous provocation towards European Union principles

Turkey turns to be the bully boy of our South Eastern European neighbourhood. Firstly by its refusal to admit a full member of the E.U. like Cyprus in its complete rights of freedom of trade and traffic of goods. Second by its mounting hostility to its neighbour Iraq and third by its basic Seltzuk instict of destroy and massacre by advocating continuous turmoil in Kossovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Fourth, Turkey continuous its military occupation of Northern Cyprus by force since July 1974, despite all U.N. notes to evacuate its forces. Is the time ripe for E.U. to admit a military-islamic form of so-called "democratic" state as its member? A candidate that shows no progress in every aspect of human rights respect and does not resemples to the European nature. We are not Crusaders but we don't wan't to be in the future by admitting the "wolves" in our garden. For more information about Turkey's presence and violation of human rights in http://www.voiceforeurope.org