
When Democracy destroys itself

There are minority voices of teachers and youth saying that Hellas has to abandon National Days and parades because they seem to be of racist and hate nature. Is there any nation in the world from young nations in Africa to old nations in Middle andNear East to forget their origins and history? No one wants war and all of its consequences but we should not forget our ancestors fight to give us this piece of land to live in peace, in democracy and freedom of speech. These are the principles they fought for...We need the celebrations and the parades to remember always where we come from and what our destiny is...Keep the flags high, Hellenes!!!

Greek flags are made in China

Imagine a nation that cannot make its own flags any more...What its fate will be?...In May 1919 the night before the disbarkment of the Hellenic Army in Smyrna (now Izmir in Turkey) the women of the city were stiching blue and white stripes to make Greek Flags...In all its long history the flags of the Hellenes were made by themselves...Not any more..its time for Globalization now...no flags...no history...no memory...Markets and consumers only


The Celebration of "OXI"(" No") to the fascist Italy is approaching

This year on 28th October all we must shout out of our lungs our strong belief that Greece should remain intact from the Big Powers plans -...you know who- to press for any conciliation concerning the trimming of our nation's rights over its air, ground and sea. Do you think that the entry of Turkey in EU will be an easy task...this will cause the dilution of EU and probably even a new Crusade in the East. Keep moral and flags high. We must be united tightly most than ever.


My father Brigadier General Christos Dimitriou passed away

Brigadier General Christos Dimitriou passed away on 11th October 2005. His funeral was held in Thessaloniki, Hellas on 12th October 2005. His family and his friends will always remember him with love. His life reflected his character since he lived and died like a soldier.
"Στου Χάρου τις λαβωματιές βοτάνια δεν χωρούνε, μήτε γιατροί γιατρεύουνε μητ' άνθρωποι βοηθούνε"...Απόσπασμα απο τον επικήδειο λόγο του Στρατηγού ε.α. Νικολάου Πετάνη, φίλου και συμμαθητού του εκλιπόντος για πάνω απο 50 χρόνια.


Στρατηγού Θάνατος

Το χέρι του ο Θάνατος απλώνει
κ'ενός ενδόξου στρατηγού το μέτωπον αγγίζει.
Το βράδυ μιά εφημερίς το νέον φανερώνει.
Το σπίτι του αρρώστου με πλήθος πολύ γεμίζει.

Εκείνον τον παρέλυσαν οι πόνοι
τα μέλη και την γλώσσα του. Το βλέμμα του γυρίζει
και ώρα πολλή σε πράγματα γνώριμα προσηλώνει.
Ατάραχος, τους παλαιούς ήρωας ενθυμίζει.

Απ'έξω - τον εσκέπασε σιγή και ακινησία.
Μέσα - τον σάπισεν ο φθόνος της ζωής, δειλία,
λέπρα ηδονική, μωρόν πείσμα, οργή, κακία.

Βαριά βογγά.-Ξεψύχησε.-Θρηνεί κάθε πολίτου
φωνή. "Την πολιτεία μας ερήμαξ' η θανή του!
Αλίμονον η Αρετή απέθανε μαζί του!"

Κ.Π.Καβάφης ,1899



Me and my Family in Athens Olympic Games 2004

British Gun Carrier

British Gun Carrier on Parade in Papagos, Attica, Greece - 25-3-2005 Hellas Independence Day